Matching Donation
Great news! Our strongest supporting family has offered to match any donation we receive from November 1, to December 31, to a maximum of $10,000. That’s right a maximum of $10,000! We are so grateful and we want to make sure we can reach the $10,000 mark to take advantage of this wonderfully generous offer.Please let your family and friends know that their donation will double if they donate during the Christmas season. If anyone asks you what you want for Christmas and you don’t really need anything, ask them to donate a filter or partial filter to a family in rural Malawi. It will make such a huge difference in the lives of the family who you are helping.The father and mother in the family will not be sick from drinking contaminated water and will be able to continue working in their fields growing crops and tending to their chickens and goats.Their children will not get sick from water borne diseases and will be able to continue going to school. The grandparents will be able to look after little ones while mother and father are tending to their farm. The family will be better off financially because they won’t have to spend what little money they do have on medication. The filter will be shared with extended family and friends AND your gift will continue working to keep your family healthy for many years to come.
Join us this Christmas to make a whole family happy and healthy.