Lots of Activity....
Our staff in all three project areas are busy building filters and getting them out to needy families in remote villages. Those moms who have received filters are reporting that their children are no longer suffering from diarrhea and other water borne diseases.We have a long waiting list of families who want filters. Our staff are trying very hard to produce them more quickly.
We have trainers coming to Malawi from the Zambia WET (Water Expertise and Training) center from the 16th to the 27th of September to provide training to our staff. There will be one course for the Project Managers on monitoring and evaluation of their projects. There will also be refresher courses for the Bio Sand Implementers and for the Community Health Promoters. It is wonderful to have the support from CAWST (Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology) in Calgary to supply funding for the training. This training period is a great way for the staff to get together to share ideas, celebrate successes and find solutions to their challenges.
We are so fortunate to have Reeshma and Ashif Bhura, two volunteers from Calgary in Malawi working with the projects right now. They have expertise in the IT field and they are training the Project Managers how to use Email, Excel, Word and access virus protection etc.
They will be attending the training session and will be conducting a one day workshop on computers and IT for all of the staff. They are also helping with the purchase and transport of supplies and are investigating better ways for the projects to access the internet. What great work they are doing!We will update you on their activities at the Dinner and Silent Auction on September 28th. Don't forget to purchase your tickets
Reeshma and Ashif
We are anxiously awaiting their return to hear all of their stories.