Overview of
Accountability Process


Financial Accountability

  • Banking

  • Funds are raised in Canada and deposited to a Canadian Bank Account (RBC)

  • Funds are transferred from RBC to National Bank of Malawi(NBM) MAIN Kwacha Account as needed. Malawi Water Project is in control of all accounts in Malawi. Currently, Helen Timoffee is responsible for the transfer of funds between bank accounts. 

  • Funds are transferred from the MAIN Kwacha Account to Regional Accounts as needed.


  • Financial Reporting

  • Each Region submits monthly financial records called the Yearly Cash Flow (YCF) detailing expenditures for the previous month. These reports are due on the 5th of the following month.

  • All bank withdrawals reported on the YCF are reconciled to the bank statement. All items on the YCF are coded and ready for entry into QuickBooks in Canada.

  • We receive copies of receipts electronically from the Field Coordinators each month.

  • Payroll is prepared by the two agents we contract with. These are the Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi and the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi. They calculate deductions and remit accordingly to the Malawi Revenue Authority and Old Mutual, the pension administrator.


Project Operations Accountability

  • Overview

·      The Malawi Water Project believes that in order to create lasting impact, Communities must be engaged and actively involved in the development of their water, sanitation and hygiene projects.

·      Development agencies from outside of the country must be sensitive to cultural issues and take direction from local village organizations when establishing development projects.

·      Individuals must take responsibility for their own health; we assist in this process.

·      Our emphasis is on the continued working of the filter and continued usage of proper sanitation and hygiene that results in long term healthy villages.


  • Monitoring

·      The monitoring tool we use is called the Kobo Toolbox. It is an application that is used on a Samsung tablet. It has been designed by Harvard University for use in the field by NGOs (Non-Government Organizations). 

·      Questionnaires have been specifically designed for the Malawi Water Project to collect pertinent data, including health information on the home we are working with, the functioning of each filter and information on the boreholes that have been repaired.

·      Our Canadian Country Director in Malawi works collaboratively with our teams, partners and client villagers, and monitors all Project activities and processes “on the ground”.